Drones are becoming readily accessible for any consumer to purchase and utilize their aerial capabilities for various applications. With that, the need to understand the behavior of drones while operating in various environments becomes more intricate and requires a deft touch in managing the UAV.
The purpose of this programme is to share the current trends in drone aviation technology and apply drone technology to the current market situation.
Course Objectives:
1. Introduction to Drones
– What is Drone?
– Types of Drones
2. Drone Applications
– Drone Technology Developments
– Which industry could benefit from using Drones?
– Why does the industry now shift towards Drone applications?
3. Drone Regulations And Eco-system In Malaysia
– How Malaysia governs Drone usability.
– Foreign Country Governance towards Drones.
– Application for permit
4. Understanding Control Behaviours
– Best practices while operating a Drone
– Simulation Training
5. Drone Automation Processes (Free Apps)
– Drone Harmony (Flight Automation)
– Agisoft Metashape (Post-image Processing)
Program Details:
Date : 27 November 2021
Time : 9.30 am – 4.30 pm
Place : Tingkat 13, Wisma Bandaraya, Kota Kinabalu Sabah
Fee : RM50.00 (Commitment)
Payment Method:
Name: K.K.I.P Sdn. Bhd
No Account : 510143008627 (Maybank)
Ref Kod: DroneSCENIC
Food and certificates are provided
Registration: bit.ly/SCENIC_Drone
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Website: www.scenic.my