Sabah is known internationally as a source of creative talent and resources such as culture and environment


  • To accelerate the local creative industry by creating a demand for creative work by Sabahan.
  • To nurture creative talent through capacity building initiatives.
  • To create opportunities and collaboration with stakeholders in the ecosystem.

SCENIC Creative Academy (Industry Players/Stakeholder)

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Sabah Screen Fest 2024

Game Development For Beginners Using Gamemaker




SCENIC Sedia Pacu Industri Animasi Di Sabah

KOTA KINABALU, SABAH – Pusat Ekonomi Kreatif dan Inovasi Sabah (SCENIC) bersedia untuk memacu kejayaan industri animasi negeri ini setelah menerima status Pusat Latihan Toon Boom pertama di Malaysia.

Toon Boom adalah perisian animasi inovatif yang digunakan oleh syarikat animasi bertaraf dunia seperti Disney, Nickelodeon, dan Warner Bros. Animation.

Pencapaian itu adalah sebahagian daripada rancangan lima tahun pusat tersebut di bawah Teras Kreatif untuk membimbing bakat kreatif di Sabah dalam bidang animasi melalui program pembangunan modal insan.
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29 September 2021

Borneo Echo

SCENIC to push animation industry in Sabah

KOTA KINABALU, 29 Sept 2021: Sabah Creative Economy and Innovation Centre (SCENIC) is set to propel the state’s animation industry forward as it becomes Malaysia’s first Toon Boom Authorised Training Centre.

Toon Boom is an innovative animation software that is used by world-class animation companies such as Disney, Nickelodeon, and Warner Bros. Animation.

Such an achievement is part of the centre’s five years plan under the Creative Chamber to guide creative talents in Sabah in the animation’s field through a human capital development programme.
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29 September 2021

Ibrahim Sani

Yayasan Peneraju Scholars in Creative Economy Animation Toon Boom!

Very proud of Yayasan Peneraju Scholars in Creative Economy Animation Toon Boom! Also very excited that YP Alumni Sabah is being activated and deployed to give more to their country.
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18 May 2024


Animation students secure high-paying jobs before graduation

KOTA KINABALU: There is demand for talents in the creative industry, said Sabah Creative Economy and Innovation Centre (SCENIC) General Manager Viviantie Sarjuni.

She added that it was proven with its first batch of 10 students from its SCENIC Creative Academy (SCA) securing jobs even before the academy's inaugural graduation ceremony here last night.

Those students had participated in a six-month Toon Boom Industrial Bridging Program (IBP) that equipped them with industrial knowledge in Toon Boom animation softwares.

The salary scale for fresh graduates and newbies in the creative industry typically starts between RM1,500 to RM2,300 and increases progressively over time, reaching up to RM8,000 to RM10,000.
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7 Mac 2023

The Borneo Post

Creative industry will drive Sabah economy to new heights

KOTA KINABALU (March 5): The promising future of the creative industry in Sabah will drive the state’s economy to new heights, said SCENIC Creative Academy (SCA) principal Geoffrey Sinn Chun Hou.

According to G20 Insights, the creative economy is projected to reach a global valuation of $985 billion by 2023 and could represent 10 percent of global Gross Domestic Product before 2030.
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5 Mac 2023

Entrecamp Malaysia

Siung Animation hires most of first batch of animators trained by SCENIC Creative Academy in Sabah

KOTA KINABALU: Talents in Sabah are an invaluable resource who, with proper training and guidance, can create world-class content.

In line with this vision, Siung Animation has recently hired 90 percent of the first batch of animators trained through the SCENIC Creative Academy.

Siung Animation is a production company that was founded in 2013 with a mission to bring the stories of the peoples of Borneo to the screen led by two experienced and talented directors, Jo Luping and Aaron Cowan.
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4 Mac 2023


Daily Express : Sabah Screen Fest

YouTube Video Link More Info

9 Disember 2022

Laman Web Ketua Menteri Sabah

Sabah sedia jadi hab kemajuan teknologi

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah bersedia menjadi hab kemajuan teknologi, dengan inovasi digalakkan dan dipupuk secara aktif, kata Ketua Menteri, Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Hajiji Haji Noor.

Katanya, dalam dunia yang berkembang pesat hari ini, integrasi teknologi dan inovasi amat penting dalam pembangunan ekonomi.

Beliau berkata, kerajaan berhasrat untuk mencipta ekosistem yang menyokong pertumbuhan perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS), menggalakkan transformasi digital, dan memupuk budaya inovasi di negeri Sabah.

“Komitmen kerajaan negeri terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi tidak berbelah bahagi dan turut melaksanakan dasar pintu terbuka kepada pelabur, selain meneroka sumber sumber ekonomi baharu termasuk Ekonomi Biru yang bakal membawa dimensi baharu ekonomi Sabah, berpaksi hala tuju pembangunan Sabah Maju Jaya (SMJ)”.
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6 Ogos 2024

Bayu Seni

Bayu Seni

Bayu Seni is a digital media exhibition showcasing the creativity and diversity of artists and filmmakers from the BIMP-EAGA region. This exhibition aims to bring the concept of digital moving images to life for local public audiences whilst offering a platform for artists and filmmakers to exhibit their digital artworks. The program seeks to support local and neighboring BIMP-Eaga region artists and filmmakers, foster collaboration, and promote cultural exchange through digital storytelling and build networks across the region.
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18 Jun 2024

Lot 12, Ready Built Factory 5 (RBF5), Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park (KKIP), 88450 Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia


Tel: +60 8849 8688
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